Thursday 2 May 2024

Still waiting on cancer diagnosis

Had CT can to see if my cancer from my bowel has spread on Monday. Seems that 57year old white homeless men are not a priority to the NHS. Maybe I should identify as Mohammad.

PS fundraiser still running as right now really need some support. Please hit the donate button if you can.

This life just gets better and better, Now I have bowel cancer confirmed. Homeless fundraiser continues...............

 Update: It has been confirmed that I have bowel cancer. Apparently I have a 5cm malignant tumour which is bloody annoying!! CT scan Monday. Will see how this pans out.

As previously mentioned I continue to be homeless and in need of a little support. Sadly I don't qualify for help in housing from the council and finding a private let is hampered by a total lack of available properties. Am presently living in my car which isn't so bad, but not the best thing for my COPD. If anyone has a few pennies to spare please hit the link in the sidebar. Any donations will be gratefully accepted and wisely spent on bed and breakfasts, as the occasional night in a proper bed is a much needed thing. I hope that none of you have ever been in this highly unenjoyable situation, because it's not a lot of fun and I can only hope that a place to live will appear in the near future.

Thanks in advance. Theo

Chateau Citroen 

Update: I remain homeless but thanks to some incredibly kind donations I get to sleep in a bed every now and again. So anyone who still wants to make a small donation it will be gratefully received.

CHNV .........from Rico

America's ruling junta hates America, and its CHNV Program which allows illegals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to fly directly into the US and be paroled is one of many examples of their mal7cious treachery.

To date 80% of them have been inserted in Florida.

I&W: Prepare Accordingly ..........from Rico


NONE of this is for ANY benign or good purpose.

1. (U) Data Analyst Tony Seruga has been geolocating/tracking the cellphones of illegals from the caravans to the US border, then into the US interior.

2. (U) Today over 1,000 of these identified cellphones are present at over 21 campus pro-Hamas/anti-Israel protests across the US that are being funded by Soros.

- They are here for these fake astroturf protests.

- They will be used for voter fraud in the 2024 election.

- If/when things go kinetic they will be issued weapons, ammo, and other kit needed to go operational.

3. (U) Detail FYI. UC Irvine.

- 41 tracked individuals. All vic campus. Twelve walked onto campus in pairs.

- 18 arrived 2024.

- 23 previously involved in past Antifa/BLM riots. 




Wednesday 1 May 2024

Schrodinger's Immigrant .......from Rico

I can add nothing to this

Speaking of LOSERS .......from Rico

Speaking of LOSERS writ large ...

Ukraine WILL lose the war they provoked with Russia (after losing much of its population, territory, and infrasructure) meaning so has Clown World (except for all the $ they've skimmed and grifted) who will $natch financial victory from the jaws of military defeat by $tealing everything they can from the post-war building Ukraine back better. [read: the taxpayers of Clown World get to be LO$ERS twice.]

EV Lo$ers ........from Rico

The people pushing EV's and their followers are both figuratively and literally LO$ER$.

News of HERZ taking a financial 'bath' on EV's comes on the heels of FORD having lo$t $132,000 on each of the 10,000 EV's it sold 1Q2024.

London sword rampage.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

+117% ..........from Rico

Housing, like everything else in the US that has been touched by the policies of Team Obama is fubared.

You will own nothing and be happy.

Climatetard .........from Rico

The Biden nee' Obama regimes Climate Czar John Kerry is the poster child of Climatetards.

Monday 29 April 2024

This Gay-Tranny Weirdness Started With ......from Rico

...Barry & Mike.

Think about it. All this gay-tranny LGBTQWTF weirdness really 'took off' under Barry and Big Mike and it's still going because they haven't left (pun unintentional) yet.   

One would think it a PSYOP (or something along those lines) to 'normalize' and mainstream the lifestyle of a very minor fraction of normal society driven by a pair of perverts.  

All my ex's changed their sexes - Buddy Brown

Joan Rivers could not be reached for additional comment.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Thanks DemocRATS .......from Rico

It's worse than the Democrat's [C] not giving a shit, they WANT things as they are while busy 24/7 working to make things shittier. 

In Democrat [C] mASSachusets they just refused to give homeless veterans priority over illegals for shelter.

Plus + A special tip o' the hat to Democrat [C] hero du jour Alvin Bragg for having invested his thirty pieces of silver wisely enough to increase his net worth 300%.

Friday 26 April 2024

Let them eat microwaved steak!...............from Rico

 This is rich!


The Biden [read: Obama] junta is declaring the 'illegal alien free' Martha's Vineyard "low income" so they can go to the head of the EV charger que.


Enjoy your microwaved Wagyu steak bitches!

Stop it! Just fucking STOP! ............from Rico

 This is why I'd still be using XP or Win7 if it were an option and an example why I quit using Hotmail and refuse to use Outlook.

were that an option:

- None of the MSFT 'updates' or 'improvements' have ever been of any benefit to me and most of them range between (1) useless, (2) PITA (pain in the ass), (3) gay & retarded, or (4) really fucking annoying...dependent upon how tight the software weenies twat-knot is that day or how vigorous the prevous night's rumpy-pumpy session was.


Now comes Win11 update KB5036980 introducing 'start menu' advertisements.


Now I need to look for a Windows replacement before being forced to use Win11.

REPO vs REVERSE REPO .................from Rico

 Those "Russian Sanctions" just bit the Western Sanctioneers in the a$$.


JP Morgan just lost ALL of the funds it held in Russia (nearly half a billion US$).

- Goldman has lost $36 million in assets already.


Days after Clown World authorized the REPO Act to confiscate Russian assets in US banks, Russia has done a REVERSE REPO.


The Mensa-wannabe's of Team Obama sure taught those naughty Russkies a lesson! [You don't have to open a window to hear the laughter from Moscow, Beijing, or BRICSIA.]

Thursday 25 April 2024

$tanding with Ukraine ..................from Rico

 Having figured-out my taxes [read: how much I owe Ukraine] I now can take the time to really appreciate how CONgre$$ and my .gov is $tanding with Ukraine.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Scamdemic Season 2: Bird Flu ........from Rico

We're all gonna die from "bird flu" [H5N1]!

The always reliable, truthful, honest, and accurate media is asserting that "bird flu" is 50% fatal in humans. This is 100% fear mongering BS.

NO. It is not:

- "Bird flu" IS nasty...IF you're a chicken, but don't hold your breath waiting for CDC/FDA to release a campaign "you're not a chicken" like they did for Ivermectin [remember: You are not a horse. ...Seriously, y'all. Stop it.]

- If it WAS 50% fatal to humans HALF the humans who worked around chickens (a) would already be dead, and (b) you would likely have noticed. None are so far.

- There is NO evidence that "bird flu" has, or can, naturally cross to humans.

- If that were to ever happen human intervention would have to be responsible.

= There is ZERO probability of a Covidesque "bird flu" event of natural origin, it would have to be 100% human-engineered and intended to kill.



Saturday 20 April 2024

Not Stupid but EVIL ........from Rico

It's tempting to 'wonder' when hearing about mRNA pork how such 'smart' people can possibly be so stupid...until you realize they know exactly what they are doing, they're EVIL.

Look Out Below! ..........from Rico

Gold is NOT rising. It isn't doing anything.

- An ounce remains an ounce.

The US Dollar IS falling (losing purchasing power).

- As the USD becomes increasingly worth less it takes more of them to 'buy' that ounce of Gold.

After America: Rocks 'n Goat Shit.........from Rico

The American Khmer Rouge (formerly-known-as-Democrats) are happy to give illegals guns while trying to disarm we the people so long as they get to rule over the pile of rocks and goat shit that will remain after America.